Early Intervention with the Industrial Athlete is the Key

Welcome to ActionOnsite, where workplace resilience meets success. As advocates for the Industrial Athlete, our proactive Early Intervention Services are the cornerstone of your strategic defense against Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) recordables. Just as elite athletes invest in preventive measures to optimize performance, we believe in the power of early intervention to keep your workforce in peak condition. Swiftly addressing discomfort at its inception, we prevent minor issues from becoming major setbacks.

This isn't just about well-being; it's about maximizing your bottom line by reducing lost productivity and associated costs. Elevate workplace safety, drive operational excellence, and ensure sustained success for your organization with ActionOnsite.


Unlock your workforce's potential with ActionOnsite’s tailored ergonomic services for Industrial Athletes. From proactive Early Interventions and targeted Work Methods training to expert Ergonomic Onsite Assessments, we ensure peak performance and injury prevention.

Our Training the Trainer programs empower your team, and customized Pre-Shift Warm-Ups and Micro-Breaks enhance productivity. With Early Intervention consultations and data analysis, we find the root cause of the issue and help restore the function and improvement of your Industrial Athletes.

Elevate your workplace with ActionOnsite – where the safety of the Industrial Athlete meets success.

  • The human body, while complex, can also be managed and protected. We teach employees about the basic functions of the body and how to employ safety techniques when moving heavy items and when bending. Employees often express surprise at what they are able to do safely as they increase their productivity.

  • We provide a vital intervention between your employee and the company clinic. By being onsite, we develop a relationship of trust with your employees, effectively educating and addressing early signs and symptoms prior to them becoming an injury.

  • ActionOnsite® believes in effectively empowering members of your own workforce by educating and training them to in turn, train fellow employees of your company. In time, you build a larger team of trainers to meet the needs of your employees.

  • Health and Wellness stretching routines are the best way to prepare our bodies for the workday. We train your work teams and assist them in implementing techniques that result in less injuries and more productivity.

  • Preventative Plans for the First Responders. AOS conducts Functional Movement Screens to forecast and predict potential injuries and create corrective exercises to generate a stronger foundation for each individual.

  • Dynamic warm-ups are provided and led by the onsite clinician. This will help prepare your team members for the upcoming job tasks during their shift. Preparing your industrial athlete to stay on the playing field and off the sidelines.

  • You will immediately begin to measure the impact of holistic treatment and prevention among your employees. As payout claims diminish, employee productivity increases.

  • An ActionOnsite® clinician educates your work teams on good habits and techniques. Following up at an employee's work station, teaching optimum work methods becomes a vital link to actually improve the culture and behaviors of your team members.

  • Your company can call your onsite clinician or the national office as issues rise from time to time. You will find we are here to help you through the occasional challenges that may arise.

Maximize Savings, Minimize Risks

Partnering with ActionOnsite® not only prioritizes the well-being of your workforce but also unleashes remarkable savings for your company.

With our specialized services designed to prevent common injuries and discomfort, clients typically experience a 50% reduction in related costs. Seize control of your profitability—calculate your potential savings today and elevate your workplace into a safer, more prosperous environment.

  • Average Cost: $X

    Potential Savings: Up to 30%

  • Average Cost: $Y

    Potential Savings: Up to 25%

  • Average Cost: $Z

    Potential Savings: Up to 20%

  • Average Cost: $A

    Potential Savings: Up to 15%

  • Average Cost: $B

    Potential Savings: Up to 18%

  • Average Cost: $C

    Potential Savings: Up to 22%

Average Injury Costs:

See how much you can save with us!

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